2/19/2021 10:53:09 AM Module: 210101c Version: 22 Page: 1 Comment: The Outcome on this page does not match the corresponding Outcome in the Course Outline. This ILM Outcome says "Describe the safety practices for hazardous materials and fire protection in your trade." The Outcome in the Course Outline says "Apply industry standard practices for hazardous materials and fire protection in your trade." The first 3 words are different. Status: Implemented
1/25/2021 11:36:49 AM Module: 060103d Version: 21 Page: 12 Comment: Last sentence under header "Blow-Through Unit Heaters" should finish with, "...and the air is driven through the coil." ( NOT, "... the air is driven through the fan.") Status: Implemented
11/3/2020 3:45:04 PM Module: 060102a Version: 21 Page: 42 Comment: under 'Individual Vents' it says "Traps that are 2' or larger..." should say "Traps that are 2" or larger..." (inches not feet) Status: Implemented
11/3/2020 2:17:55 PM Module: 060102a Version: 21 Page: 38 Comment: on page 38, 5th paragraph, 1st sentence states that there will be a riser clamp installed on the main floor. The code states that riser clamps will be installed on every other floor, so there is not one required until the second story in a multi-story building. See Standata P-07-03-NPC15 for illustration or NPC 2015 Status: Declined
11/3/2020 2:09:11 PM Module: 060102a Version: 21 Page: 38 Comment: on pg 38 second paragraph, second sentence, the information is exactly backwards. It should read: "If ambient temperatures are low when the piping is installed, you will extend the fitting somewhat; if the temperatures are high, it will need to be telescoped together somewhat." We could add; "Follow manufacturer's instructions for amount of adjustment." Status: Implemented
10/28/2020 7:18:12 AM Module: 060101k Version: 21 Page: 27 Comment: There is a space for a picture on figure 8 and is labelled as such. But there is no picture. Status: Implemented
4/1/2020 1:33:07 PM Module: 210102d Version: 21 Page: 9 Comment: After the first paragraph under Proxylene pipe there should be a differentiation that it is switching from talking about Proxylene to generic thermoplastic pipes and how they should be threaded Status: Implemented
3/31/2020 12:47:15 PM Module: 210102d Version: 21 Page: 7 Comment: need to change the PE/AL/PE content to reflect that the current name of the product by IPEX that is used for under ground water service is Q line. the brochure information can be found here http://www.ipexna.com/media/8955/brochure_caen_qline.pdf If the rest of the content of PE/AL/PE needs updating because of this then it should be done Status: Implemented
1/17/2020 1:09:28 PM Module: 210103c Version: 21 Page: 22 Comment: during the creation of the new ilm's there was a lot of information that did not transfer over. this information can be found from 060204b all of pg 11, the portion describing travel speed and drag from pg 12, the torch and tip designs from pg 14, all of pg 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29. this information should be appropriately placed within 210103c Status: Implemented
1/17/2020 12:55:48 PM Module: 210102gA Version: 21 Page: 32 Comment: during the creation of the new ilm's there was a lot of information the did not transfer over. from old ilm 070104hB 3,4,5,6,8 is missing from the new ilm topics that are covered in this information is the valve bonnets(screwed, union, bolted,) non rising stems and rising stems, and the stuffing box's for the stems. the best place for this material might be pg 32 after the valve bonnet paragraphs Status: Implemented
1/17/2020 12:38:36 PM Module: 210102f Version: 21 Page: 33 Comment: in the final paragraph it references electric resistance soldering that is supposed to be in objective 6. this reference was out of the old ilm's objective 6 wording should be changed. as well the information no longer exists. during the creation of the new ilm it was not transferred over. it can be found in the old ilm 060101i on pg 36 has about 5 paragraphs 1 note and one image. it should be located before the summary on pg 37 Status: Implemented
1/17/2020 12:32:15 PM Module: 210102e Version: 21 Page: 25 Comment: during the creation of the new ILM's the information on flexible joints, expansion joints and thermal expansion was not transferred over. this information can be found in the old ilm 070104c pg 16,17,18 should be 6 paragraphs and 4 images. this information should be located after gasket markings and before objective 2 on pg 25 Status: Implemented
1/17/2020 12:27:21 PM Module: 210102c Version: 21 Page: 18 Comment: during the creation of the new ilm's the information on screwed / threaded flanges didn't transfer over. the 1 paragraph and figure can be found in the old ilm 060101jA. It should be located before socket weld flanges on pg 18 Status: Implemented
1/17/2020 12:23:35 PM Module: 210102b Version: 21 Page: 17 Comment: during the creation of the new ilm's information on hole saws was not transferred over. the information of 3 paragraphs and the figure can be found in 060101fA and should be located just before power vises on page 17 of the new ilm Status: Implemented
1/17/2020 12:20:53 PM Module: 210102a Version: 21 Page: 44 Comment: when the New ILM's were created somehow the topic of torque wrenches was removed from the hand tools it can be found in the old ilm 060101fA pg 15 the small paragraph and the figure are missing it should be located just above pipe cutters on pg 44 of the new ilm Status: Implemented
1/17/2020 11:41:11 AM Module: 210102c Version: 21 Page: 39 Comment: question #27 has no information in the ilm about any axial pull done or if a gasket is to be separated. this question should be removed or information added to the ilm. and question #28 references a tool not in the ilm for a process that isn't in the ilm. Status: Implemented
1/16/2020 8:36:49 AM Module: 210102e Version: 21 Page: 28 Comment: in this ILM it describes Ferrous pipe as any pipe containing iron ore and non ferrous pipe as having no iron. But in ILM 210103bA pg 41 it describes ferrous metals as having iron as its major ingredient and usually magnetic, while non ferrous may have iron but not in large enough amounts to have any major influence on its properties. one of these should be picked and the other ILM be adjusted so that there is no confusion. in one of the codes I believe its ASME where it states that it is considered to be ferrous pipe if there is an appreciable amount of iron it. Status: Implemented
1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM Module: 060101i Version: 8.1 Page: 3 Comment: I don't have the latest version of this module (8.3) so maybe this has already been fixed. On pages 3 and 4 it states a distinction between "copper tube" and "copper tubing" but the explanation given contradicts IPT Pipe Trades page 97, and copper.org website, and ASTM standards. At the bottom of page IPT 97, it states the trade practice used to distinguish between tube and tubing "is not an official way to designate copper tube and should be avoided". IPT explains that they are both copper tube, and they make the distinction based on the standard that the tube was made to match, specifically sizing of ID vs OD. The IPT definition also matches copper.org website definition, which references ASTM specifications for the various copper tubes. With reference and in conformance to IPT, copper.org website, and ASTM standards, I suggest the wording in the module be changed to state the copper tube types K, L, M, and DWV are designated by ID size, whereas copper tube type ACR is designated by OD size and wall thickness. Eliminate the distinction between tube and tubing, and make the distinction based on copper type and sizing. Status: Declined