4/30/2021 8:05:26 AM Module: 160302b Version: 22 Page: 5 Comment: Nether the paragraph or figure 4 mention the direction of rotation. It would make it easier for a student to understand the operation of the vane compressor if the paragraph or diagram mentioned the rotation direction. (clockwise) Status: Implemented
4/11/2020 11:54:44 AM Module: 160302d Version: 21 Page: 22 Comment: Figure 24 - "Dry gas seal" - wrong. This is a picture of an Axial compressor's rotor. Status: Implemented
4/11/2020 11:52:15 AM Module: 160302c Version: 21 Page: 9 Comment: Figure 9 - "Rotor from liquid RING compressor" NOT "liquid vane". Status: Implemented
4/11/2020 11:50:22 AM Module: 160302b Version: 21 Page: Comment: All the pictures on both pages are incorrect. Figure 29 is showing a liquid ring compressor and not vane. Picture 30 is the same as 29. It's showing the wrong compressor and wrong operation. Figure 31 is showing a seal and not a Rotor/Stator as the image stands below. Status: Implemented
4/11/2020 11:45:36 AM Module: 160302b Version: 21 Page: 19 Comment: Figure 20. The picture is upside-down Status: Declined