Instrumentation and Control Technician (INT)

Second Period Package (43 Modules) Comments

Date: 1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310201c
Version: 2
Page: 13
Comment: Figure 16 shows the reference junction connection points being at 0°C when Tr is actually at 20°C.
Status: Update in Progress

Date: 9/13/2024 1:19:33 PM
Module: 310201k
Page: 23
Comment: chart on page 23 that's incorrect. It shows a range with an LRV of -60 and URV of -20 and there is an arrow pointing at the chart saying zero suppression. This is false because suppression is how far down 0 is from the LRV.
Status: Approved for Review

Date: 1/5/2025 12:28:01 PM
Module: 310202a
Version: 24
Page: 32
Comment: Question 12 has a typo error As Is: Sate four (4) situations when a operator may operate a feedback control loop in manual rather than auto. Should be: State four (4) situations when a operator may operate a feedback control loop in manual rather than auto.
Status: Approved for Review

Date: 2/2/2024 7:03:09 AM
Module: 310202cA
Version: 24
Page: 40
Comment: Title reads: "OBJECTIVE SIX" Should read "OBJECTIVE EIGHT"
Status: Approved for Review

Date: 3/8/2024 11:49:04 AM
Module: 310202cB
Version: 24
Page: 27
Comment: In the 4th paragraph, 2nd paragraph under heading: Solution, it should read: "Initially, when the SP equals the PV, the CO is 50% and the bias is 50%." This sentence says 65%, but 50% is stated in problem at the top of the page and 50% is used through the solution on page 28 and 29.
Status: Approved for Review

Date: 1/4/2024 11:18:42 AM
Module: 310203aA
Version: 24
Page: 6
Comment: In table 6, the tolerances for gold and silver are mixed up. Gold is +/- 5% Silver is +/- 10%
Status: Approved for Review

Date: 12/16/2019 1:28:04 PM
Module: 310203b
Page: 17
Comment: In the example the transformer in Figure 18 is said to have a 2:1 ratio and a 120 V supply. If that is the case the full secondary (ignoring the center-tap) would be 60 V. Then VAD should equal 30 V (the ILM says 60 V?). Thus Vp = 42.43 V and VDC = 27 VDC.
Status: Update in Progress

Date: 12/16/2019 1:14:14 PM
Module: 310203b
Page: 14
Comment: Objective 3: “Define the operation and application of various UPSs.” This section (Pgs. 15 – 42) covers both linear power supplies and UPSs. I believe the problem with this section isn’t the content but instead the Objective. The module needs to cover the components of a linear power supply (rectifier, regulators, and filters) but there is no objective that it fits in. Thus I believe it is the objective that needs to be altered. New Objective 3: “Define the operation and applications of linear power supplies and various UPSs.”
Status: Update in Progress

Date: 12/16/2019 1:45:44 PM
Module: 310203b
Page: 26
Comment: Peak Inverse Voltage for Filtered Rectifiers. The paragraph states: “For all filtered full-wave applications, the diode PIV is equal to the full peak transformer voltage. The exception to this rules is the full wave bridge, which is only half of the full peak transformer voltage.” My research has shown these statements to be incorrect (though I recommend someone with more knowledge then me look into it). From what I have read, a full wave bridge rectifier requires diodes with a PIV equal to the full secondary transformer peak voltage. A full wave center-tapped rectifier requires PIVs equal to 2 times the full secondary peak.
Status: Update in Progress

Date: 12/16/2019 1:48:38 PM
Module: 310203b
Page: 39
Comment: The different types of switching covered on pages 39 – 42 seems excessive when the Objective is to “define the operation and applications of various UPSs.”
Status: Update in Progress

Date: 12/16/2019 1:55:00 PM
Module: 310203c
Page: 36
Comment: Pgs. 36 – 39 These pages should be removed. The information covered is not required to fulfill Objective 4: “Solve BASIC arithmetic operations on decimal, binary, BCD, and hexadecimal number systems.”
Status: Update in Progress

Date: 12/16/2019 2:12:57 PM
Module: 310203d
Page: 8
Comment: NOT operation. The relay diagram is not a good example of the operation of a NOT gate. In the diagram when the Button (HS-101) sends a 0 (is open) the Pump (P-100) is off (0). Proper NOT operation would have a zero input causing a one output and vice versa.
Status: Update in Progress

Date: 12/16/2019 2:21:51 PM
Module: 310203d
Comment: Pgs. 16 – 19: Latches. The latches sections is excessive for this objective which is supposed to just be covering the truth tables of basic logic gates. I feel that this would be more relevant if included in the Microprocessors and Memory ILM.
Status: Update in Progress

Date: 12/16/2019 2:25:27 PM
Module: 310203d
Page: 24
Comment: Self-Test #7b: Answer is missing the NOT line over the BD NOR gate.
Status: Update in Progress

Date: 12/17/2019 9:23:29 AM
Module: 310203fA
Page: 10
Comment: Objective 1: “Describe the symbols and conventions used in relay logic.” The relay logic interpretation and wiring schematics on Pgs. 10 – 16 is excessive and not required to satisfy the objective. It should be reduced/removed.
Status: Update in Progress

Date: 12/17/2019 9:37:15 AM
Module: 310203fA
Page: 35
Comment: Pgs. 35 – 38 This module spends several pages explaining multiples ways in which PLC cards change input loop power into low voltage signals used by the CPU (voltage isolation). TRIAC Switching, Relay Switching, and Transistor Switching are each covered in detail. Without explanation or reasoning as to why I, as an instrument technician, would choose one method over another when selecting a PLC card I cannot see any reason as to why my students should spend their time studying these configurations. They are not going to be opening up a card to change a TRIAC. A Relay Switching system is not going to cause the PLC to operate any differently than if the card uses Transistor Switching.
Status: Update in Progress

Date: 10/27/2021 4:32:34 PM
Module: 310204a
Version: 21
Page: 32
Comment: Fig 27 is a poor example of a PFD. Please replace it with something that doesn't look like a P&ID. It should not include Instruments, with perhaps the exception of "major valves" as it says in the bullets. If you decide to keep it. The LI, TT, FT, LT, TI, PT, LG should be deleted at very least. A better solution would be to use a PFD that is not a P&ID to begin with, then there won't be any confusion. - If I could attach a picture here(time for an upgrade), I would send you some good PFD examples that do not look like P&ID's.
Status: Implemented

Date: 12/18/2019 9:36:48 AM
Module: 310204g
Page: 11
Comment: Tower Reflux: This paragraph states that adding reflux “improves the quality of the reflux”. While that is essentially true, it is a strange statement when put that way.
Status: Update in Progress

Date: 12/18/2019 9:28:58 AM
Module: 310204g
Page: 3
Comment: Terms: “Distillate”, “Tops”, and “Bottoms” are terms that should be added to this section.
Status: Update in Progress

Date: 12/18/2019 10:42:05 AM
Module: 310204i
Page: 15
Comment: Objective 3: Use a PFD to explain the major processes, flows, and unit operations for an oil refinery. This is covered on pages 15 to 34. No fewer than 14 process are explained in this section with some having multiple sub-processes or different methods of completing said process. Are all these considered “major”? Is there a simpler way to present this information in a manner where it has a chance to be absorbed and retained by a student?
Status: Update in Progress

Date: 1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310204i
Version: 2
Page: 1
Comment: Far too much material in this module. If the students are expected to know and master everything in each module, then this is an impossible task for this module.
Status: Update in Progress

Date: 12/18/2019 10:52:10 AM
Module: 310204m
Page: 19
Comment: Self-Test #8: Not easily answered from the notes. Nowhere that I could find does it say the valve must be “sealed”.
Status: Update in Progress

Archived Comments

Year: 2021

10/27/2021 5:10:51 PM
Module: 310204a
Version: 21
Page: 40
Comment: The answer to question 1 could use a picture to be helpful. The answer to Question 3 needs a picture to be helpful and for those with Aphantasia. The answer to question 9 is better explained on page 27 and 30.
Status: Implemented

10/27/2021 4:59:55 PM
Module: 310204a
Version: 21
Page: 41
Comment: Objective 7 says - "To develop and Sketch a [simple] P&ID" - This is missing or not covered. I think that the four basic control loops would be important for the students to be able to draw - Flow, Temp, Level, Pressure. This module only contains one of these, the Flow loop. It is shown twice. Fig 21 and Fig 25. How about including the other three control loops, Pressure, Temp and Level in Objective 7, which is missing, for them to draw.
Status: Declined

10/27/2021 4:47:35 PM
Module: 310204a
Version: 21
Page: 37
Comment: ILD's are not in the Objectives. - The last sentence says. "...ILD's are the most common reference documents that you use." - I agree they should be included.
Status: Declined

10/27/2021 4:43:35 PM
Module: 310201a
Version: 21
Page: 35
Comment: I feel that when the name Process and Instrumentation Diagram is written it should be capitalized because we use the abbreviation PID or P&ID. Capitalize in Fig 28, Bottom Paragraph and in the Note box It says that "To help with location, each drawing is grouped with a numbered section of the plant." - This is not included or show on any of the tag examples. For example 21-PT-296 would show unit #21
Status: Implemented

10/27/2021 4:16:47 PM
Module: 310204a
Version: 21
Page: 33
Comment: The top paragraph, second sentence seems to be extraneous and should be deleted. The sixth bullet says the relief and safety valves are not included in PFD's - Process Flow Diagrams, but fig 27 has a rupture disk, a relieving device, on the top of the Knockout Drum. My understanding is that while major valves are included, as it says page 32, Instruments are generally not included in PFD's. . Therefore Instruments can be added to the bullets listing things not included in PFD's page 33. A better example therefore is needed of a PFD for Fig 27.
Status: Declined

10/27/2021 4:00:30 PM
Module: 310204a
Version: 21
Page: 32
Comment: The sentence above Fig 27 reads " example of a basic PDF..." This should read PFD as this is a Process Flow Diagram. I would think that since we use the abbreviation "PFD" for Process Flow Diagram that the name should be capitalized even if it is not a proper noun or proper name.
Status: Implemented

10/27/2021 3:52:08 PM
Module: 310204a
Version: 21
Page: 31
Comment: Fig 26 The PID should be in a 3 box rectangle [P][I][D] as shown in fig 28 for an Automatic 3 mode controller. The output transducer section with the I/P is not included in SAMA drawings, at least none that I have seen. Not sure why the F/R is going into the I/P. If this is to be a SAMA representation of Fig 25 P&ID I don't know where the F/R pneumatic signal comes from.
Status: Implemented

10/27/2021 3:34:47 PM
Module: 310204a
Version: 21
Page: 26
Comment: Fig 21 is improperly labeled as a Flow Control Loop. It is a Pressure Control Loop as all the elements start with an "F".
Status: Implemented

10/27/2021 3:22:47 PM
Module: 310204a
Version: 21
Page: 24
Comment: Fig 19 row "FQ" should be Flow Qua-NT-ity with an "NT" meaning Total or Sum rather than Qua-L-ity. see ISA 5.1 2009 Table A.3.2.1
Status: Implemented

10/27/2021 3:11:53 PM
Module: 310204a
Version: 21
Page: 23
Comment: - A picture or figure to describe what is explained in the first and second paragraphs would be helpful to students with Aphantasia. - The first paragraph reads "and a letter from the THIRD column for the output" should read [fourth] column - The first paragraph last sentence reads "Pressure is from the first coulmn and transmit is from the THIRD column." This should read [fourth] column. - according to Table 1 Page 22
Status: Implemented

10/27/2021 2:59:03 PM
Module: 310204a
Version: 21
Page: 22
Comment: Row "Y" Column 4 Auxiliary devices such as "solenoids, relays, and computing devices" as listed in table 16 in the column header. The foot note(25) in the ISA 5.1 table 4.1 covers these things.
Status: Declined

10/27/2021 2:36:34 PM
Module: 310204a
Version: 21
Page: 21
Comment: An figure example of an Instrument Tag would show what is described in the above paragraph. Perhaps a bubble with the tag 21-PCV-103. Showing unit # 21 and loop 103 and the Pressure Control Valve Also a figure of a tag with some clarifying abbreviation for an example.
Status: Implemented

10/27/2021 2:12:44 PM
Module: 310204a
Version: 21
Page: 2
Comment: "Instrument Function" is missing from bullets. Although it is listed in the paragraph above.
Status: Implemented

10/27/2021 2:04:22 PM
Module: 310201a
Version: 21
Page: 2
Comment: "Instrument Functions" is missing from the bullet but is included in the paragraph above it.
Status: Declined

10/27/2021 1:48:23 PM
Module: 310201a
Version: 21
Page: 1
Comment: ILD's - Instrument Loop Diagrams - Page 37 - are not in the Objectives. It's not in the AIT Outline - perhaps it should be added? Point 1 Should be "Name and Identify and Draw" rather than define which is vague. This would match Objective 7 which is to "develop and sketch a P&ID." Point 5 - "Process Flow Diagram(s)" is a proper noun and needs to be capitalized as it represents PFD('s) - plural or singular should match. Point 6 - "Process Instrumentation Diagram(s)" is a proper noun and needs to be capitalized as it represents P&ID('s) - plural or singular should match. Point 7 - Says "Develop and sketch a P&ID drawing." Yet there is nothing in the ILM for Objective 7.
Status: Implemented

10/26/2021 2:42:45 PM
Module: 310204a
Version: 21
Page: 5
Comment: Fig 3 B is still incorrect after 21 Revisions. There should be a line though the middle as it states "Circle with a line through it" and it is on the Main Control Panel.
Status: Implemented

Year: 2019

12/18/2019 1:18:12 PM
Module: 310202d
Page: 43
Comment: Self-Test #18. The answer for number 18 is found on page 30 under “Fine Tuning” where it says “fine tune the controller by adjusting only the proportional gain”. But nowhere in that paragraph does it say we are fine tuning for a “critically damped response” like the question asks.
Status: Implemented

12/18/2019 1:16:57 PM
Module: 310202d
Page: 38
Comment: Self-Test #1b: I don’t believe it is good practice to ask “what kind of disturbance?” and have an answer be “no disturbance”.
Status: Declined

12/18/2019 11:49:53 AM
Module: 310202cA
Page: 37
Comment: Move Objective 7 to be completed before Objective 6. Thus you will explain the “purpose and applications of a PI controller” BEFORE “preforming output calculations for a PI controller.”
Status: Implemented

12/18/2019 11:49:13 AM
Module: 310202cA
Page: 44
Comment: Self-Test #9: Question #9 asks for the open loop response at two and four minutes but the answers all say one and three minutes.
Status: Implemented

12/18/2019 11:48:26 AM
Module: 310202cA
Page: 35
Comment: The controller Reset setting (integral gain) should be stated as Ti (min/rpt) since the solution mentions having to convert into Ki and solves to find the Ki to be 0.5 rpt/min). (Page 29 has same problem)
Status: Implemented

12/18/2019 11:23:38 AM
Module: 310202cA
Page: 30
Comment: Pg. 30: Reset is stated to be equal to “Proportional x Ki” but really the formula should be “Reset = Proportional x Ki x T. The effect of time is implied on this page when it shows Reset @ T1, T2, & T3 but it would be better to show how the time variable is used before hand and calculate it that way for the rest of the examples.
Status: Implemented

12/18/2019 11:02:46 AM
Module: 310202b
Page: 17
Comment: In the Differential Gap example on page 17 the Proportional Band (PB) is calculated without first stating what the formula for calculating it is. The equation already has the numbers entered in it. It would create less confusion for the students if first it was written as PB = (Diff Gap/Span) x 100%.
Status: Implemented

12/18/2019 10:56:27 AM
Module: 310202a
Page: 21
Comment: The description used for the control block diagrams in Figure 11 & 12 is confusing. Stating that the “PV signal is positive and the SP signal is negative”(Figure 11) and the “PV signal is negative and the SP is positive”(Figure 12) is not correct as those signals do not inherit those signs until they reach the summing junction. Instead I would like the descriptions to read as follows: Figure 11 illustrates a direct acting controller. At the summing junction the setpoint (SP) signal is subtracted from the PV signal. This calculation (PV-SP) means that an increase in PV causes an increase in error making the controller direct acting. Figure 12 illustrates a reverse acting controller. At the summing junction the PV signal is subtracted from the setpoint(SP) signal. This calculation (SP-PV) means that an increase in PV causes a decrease in error making the controller reverse acting.
Status: Implemented

12/18/2019 10:53:46 AM
Module: 310204p
Page: 9
Comment: The last paragraph should be corrected to say: “Figure 6A indicates that 0 V is measured ACROSS THE TERMINALS with a tester” instead of “measured to ground”.
Status: Implemented

12/18/2019 10:40:42 AM
Module: 310204l
Page: 28
Comment: Self-Test #11: The answer is correct but the letter should be C not D.
Status: Declined

12/18/2019 9:25:08 AM
Module: 310204f
Page: 24
Comment: Pg. 24: Statement about glycol should be moved to the where the diagram is on page 26.
Status: Implemented

12/18/2019 9:17:26 AM
Module: 310204d
Page: 44
Comment: Self-Test #12: Should read “Which filter recharging/regeneration/cleaning method does not require…”
Status: Implemented

12/18/2019 9:07:56 AM
Module: 310204d
Page: 23
Comment: Low velocity and erosion are not “limitations” but rather are some conditions that could negatively affect separation in a cyclone separator.
Status: Declined

12/18/2019 8:53:18 AM
Module: 310204e
Page: 2
Comment: Pg. 2 Last sentence of paragraph 4 should read: “Sandblasting is often required for the cleaning the OUTSIDE of the tube…”
Status: Implemented

12/18/2019 8:51:00 AM
Module: 310204e
Page: 27
Comment: On page 27 when discussing the Falling Film Evaporator the word “liquor” is used several times whereas the rest of the modules uses the term “liquid”. This created some confusion for students wondering what this “liquor” was.
Status: Implemented

12/17/2019 3:06:51 PM
Module: 310204b
Page: 21
Comment: The bottom paragraph states that the gas “moves to the diffuser and decelerates…” I believe “diffuser” should be replaced with “discharge” as the discharge provides the restriction that decelerates the gas causing kinetic energy to be converted into pressure energy. The purpose of the diffuser is stated on page 22 as helping to “maintain the aerodynamic of the gas”.
Status: Implemented

12/17/2019 3:04:06 PM
Module: 310204b
Page: 44
Comment: Answer is wrong. From the notes on Pg. 25 it states that reciprocating compressors are “being replaced by rotary for pressures under 7000 kPag. Thus reciprocating would be used on pressures higher than 7000 kPag or “High Pressures” as I believe the answer should be. Would be nice if the questions followed the order of the information in the ILM.
Status: Implemented

12/17/2019 2:42:57 PM
Module: 310204b
Page: 44
Comment: Self-Test #9: Answer is wrong. From the notes on Pg. 25 it states that reciprocating compressors are “being replaced by rotary for pressures under 7000 kPag. Thus reciprocating would be used on pressures higher than 7000 kPag or “High Pressures” as I believe the answer should be.
Status: Implemented

12/17/2019 2:20:20 PM
Module: 310204a
Page: 3
Comment: Pg. 3: The symbols used in the chart (Figure 1) to represent Alternate Choice or Safety Instrumented Systems are incorrect. The diamond symbol is usually used to represent a PLC. If you refer to the same chart (Table 7 on Pg. 15) in ILM 310202a Introduction to Automatic Control you will see an octagon used instead of a diamond. These charts should match.
Status: Implemented

12/17/2019 2:19:11 PM
Module: 310201k
Page: 8
Comment: After stating the simplified metric formula the variables are defined. It should read “h is the depth or height of the liquid in meters”. Currently the ILM says “g”.
Status: Implemented

12/17/2019 2:05:59 PM
Module: 310201j
Page: 46
Comment: Self-Test #4. Need to state which type of flat transparent gauge glass as “elongated” for the answer to be correct.
Status: Implemented

12/17/2019 2:04:21 PM
Module: 310201j
Page: 36
Comment: (continued) The correction: Instead this formula for total buoyant force of a displacer in an interface should be something like: Fb = (RD1 x 9.81 x V% displaced) + (RD2 x 9.81 x V% displaced).
Status: Implemented

12/17/2019 2:01:38 PM
Module: 310201j
Page: 36
Comment: The formula given at the top of page 36 [Fb = (RD1 – RD2) x 9.81 x V] is stated as “the method to calculate the buoyant force in a liquid-liquid interface. I do not believe this is correct. This formula would be used if you were finding the change in buoyant force (going from 100% in RD1 to 100% in RD2).
Status: Implemented

12/17/2019 1:52:30 PM
Module: 310201h
Page: 4
Comment: The continuity equation for gas should be included A1V1p1 = A2V2p2
Status: Implemented

12/17/2019 1:50:17 PM
Module: 310201h
Page: 57
Comment: Self-Test #23: The answer talks about steam flow and the blanks are filled in with answers that are correct when it comes to steam flow but when you refer to the question as it appears in the Self-Test on page 54 the question is referring to “gas flow” not “steam flow”.
Status: Declined

12/17/2019 12:31:44 PM
Module: 310201h
Page: 17
Comment: Unlike the old note-pack this ILM does not discus other primary differential pressure elements (flow nozzle, venture tube, pitot tube). I believe Objective 5 would be a good place to at least mention these elements and compare them with with orifice plates especially since (as far as I can recall) we included a question on the Period example that requires a knowledge of pitot tubes.
Status: Declined

12/17/2019 11:39:25 AM
Module: 310201h
Page: 8
Comment: Both steps in this example should read as follows: “1. Convert the static pressure to kPaa…” “2. Convert the second static pressure to kPaa….” The math is correct in the example (gauge pressure and atmospheric pressure are added together), it’s just the explanation that’s incorrect (says kPa instead of kPaa).
Status: Implemented

12/17/2019 11:37:58 AM
Module: 310201f
Page: 7
Comment: Second paragraph: “volume or volume flow rate” should be replaced with “mass flow rate”. Then the paragraph will correctly state: “Because stating a mass flow rate at standard conditions defines the amount of a substance, it is commonly used for custody transfer…”
Status: Declined

12/17/2019 11:33:04 AM
Module: 310201d
Page: 35
Comment: Question #9: Instead of just mentioning to “look at Figure 28” it would be helpful to point out that the RTD tables are at the back of the ILM.
Status: Implemented

12/17/2019 11:25:58 AM
Module: 310201a
Page: 16
Comment: The formula for area expansion should be included. Coefficient = 2a
Status: Implemented

12/17/2019 11:11:37 AM
Module: 310201a
Page: 6
Comment: Pgs. 6-7: While explaining Charles’ and Boyle’s Law the Ideal Gas Law, from which these are derived, should be shown. That is the only version of the gas laws that appear on the Instrumentation Formula Sheet. A gas law calculation example and self-test question should be added.
Status: Declined

12/17/2019 10:49:54 AM
Module: 310203e
Page: 20
Comment: Pgs. 20 – 21 Self-Test: Why do questions rarely have enough room given to write answers in the Self-Test? #2 has giant lines to write one digit on but #8 doesn’t have enough space to write “asynchronous”. It happens too often in all the modules. I could make a post like this for each one but really someone should go through all the Self-Tests and make sure there is enough room to write the answers to the questions.
Status: Implemented

12/17/2019 10:44:14 AM
Module: 310203gA
Page: 47
Comment: Self-Test #25: The sentence is incomplete and does not match the question it is the answer to. Should finish with “…take turns talking to the MASTER device.
Status: Implemented

12/17/2019 10:39:19 AM
Module: 310203gA
Page: 2
Comment: Pg. 2: The line “The software is the rules that specify how communication takes place.” would be better stated as “The software ‘structures’ the data to be sent in accord with the protocol.”
Status: Implemented

12/16/2019 2:20:46 PM
Module: 310203fB
Version: 1.1
Page: 52
Comment: Figure # 72 page 52. The ISA symbol indicating LSH input to the DI card is not correct, the symbol should be an ISA symbol of a NC level switch.
Status: Implemented

12/16/2019 2:17:03 PM
Module: 310203fB
Version: 1.1
Page: 48
Comment: Figure # 69 page 48. The module type should read "DO Module" not "DI Module"
Status: Implemented

12/16/2019 2:15:06 PM
Module: 310203fB
Version: 1.1
Page: 32
Comment: Figure 46, page 32. the symbol shown is an OR symbol not a NOR symbol.
Status: Implemented

12/16/2019 2:08:38 PM
Module: 310203fB
Version: 1.1
Page: 3
Comment: Figure # 4 Page 3. should read "output" image table not "input" image table
Status: Implemented

12/16/2019 2:05:58 PM
Module: 310203fA
Version: 1.1
Page: 36
Comment: Figure # 49 on page 36. the wire from the negative side of the 24 Vdc power supply should be connected to the C terminal of the Discrete output card, not terminal #7
Status: Implemented

12/16/2019 2:03:01 PM
Module: 310203fA
Version: 1.1
Page: 34
Comment: Figure 46 on page 34, the two diodes on the right side of the bridge rectifier are shown connected in the reverse polarity direction to what they should be
Status: Implemented

12/16/2019 1:56:40 PM
Module: 310203fA
Version: 1.1
Page: 11
Comment: Figure #17 Considering 3 phase motors are typically powered by a minimum of 480 volts, this figure should show a step down transformer connected to the control wiring, used to reduce the control wiring circuit voltage down to 120 V
Status: Implemented

12/16/2019 1:40:52 PM
Module: 310203fA
Version: 1.1
Page: 3
Comment: Figure #2 the negative side of Light PL1 should be connected back to the negative terminal
Status: Implemented

12/16/2019 1:37:00 PM
Module: 310203d
Version: 1.1
Page: 19
Comment: Line 3 at the top of the page should read the alarm condition must be cleared and the gas latch "reset" not "rest"
Status: Implemented

12/16/2019 1:32:32 PM
Module: 310203c
Version: 1.1
Page: 43
Comment: Self-test answer # 3a should read "ease of setup" not "easy of setup" Self-test answer # 5 should read Static electricity is the build up of "electric" charge, not "electronic" charge
Status: Implemented

12/16/2019 1:11:29 PM
Module: 310203aB
Page: 32
Comment: Third sentence in the 2nd paragraph should read. "AN atom normally has the same number of..."
Status: Declined

12/16/2019 10:56:07 AM
Module: 310203aA
Page: 47
Comment: Answer for #15 of Self Test. The current for the resistors in Table 5 is off by one decimal place for all of the resistors. Example: R5 should be 0.050 amps NOT 0.5 amps.
Status: Implemented

12/16/2019 10:47:43 AM
Module: 310203aA
Page: 43
Comment: Self Test #12 is EXACTLY the same as Example 4 on page 27. Perhaps change the numbers?
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310201k
Version: 2
Page: 44
Comment: Self Test #13: The span is -4.365 - (-67.228) = +62.863
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310201h
Version: 2
Page: 44
Comment: Pgs.44, 47, & 55 #27: Using FT to represent a pressure transmitter that is NOT outputting a flow signal is probably not best practice or at least confusing for the students. The signal becomes flow after square root extraction. I believe it should be labeled "PT".
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310204a
Version: 1.1
Page: 34
Comment: Unclear what is meant when it says "Interconnection settings" will be shown on a P&ID?
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310201a
Version: 2
Page: 27
Comment: Self Test #9: A aluminum "tray" would be subject to area expansion rather than linear.
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310202cB
Version: 2
Page: 14
Comment: Pg. 14: The error signal is reverse acting (e=SP-PV) ILM incorrectly identifies this as "direct actiong". Happens on the next page as well: Pg. 15: Since the controller is reverse acting..
Status: Implemented

1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM
Module: 310202d
Version: 2
Page: 44
Comment: Pgs. 44 - 45 Self-Test 20, 21, 23. These three questions ask us to "give recommendations for which PID controller modes should be used". Each of the questions have one answer that is "no derivative". I feel it is bad practice to have a question asking what you should use when the answer is something you shouldn't use.
Status: Implemented