Automotive Service Technician (AST)

Fourth Period Package (23 Modules) Comments

Date: 11/15/2023 5:56:17 PM
Module: 090403a
Version: 24
Page: 5
Comment: In this module it states that R134A is the only refrigerant recommended by manufacturers. R1234YF has been used since 2012 in some Cadillacs and the use of R1234YF has only increased since. This information has been outdated for more than a decade.
Status: Approved for Review

Date: 2/10/2023 2:19:46 PM
Module: 090403c
Version: 24
Page: 37
Comment: When converting Fahrenheit to Celsius, the normal conversion (C=(f-32)*(5/9)) is used on every value. This is incorrect. When converting a temperature difference, C=F*(5/9) should be used instead. This applies to any temperature delta, but in this instance specifically superheat and subcooling. Example: figure 28 Evaporator has a saturation point of -15 F (-26 C), and a tailpipe temperature of 50 F (10 C) 50 – (-15) = 65 10 – (-26) = 36 Superheat is stated as “65 F (18 C)” (incorrect conversion) Converting 65 using F*(5/9) results in approximately 36
Status: Approved for Review

Archived Comments

Year: 2024

10/11/2024 9:17:26 PM
Module: 090401a
Comment: Hello, I hope you are doing great, I have received approval for the Automotive Service Technician certification through Alberta’s Trade Qualifier Program, and I am now preparing for my exam. Could you kindly advise me on which module I should purchase and use for my exam preparation? Thank you for your assistance. Best regards, Fuad
Status: Declined

Year: 2019

11/15/2019 9:25:47 AM
Module: 090404b
Version: 3
Comment: When instructing theory lessons on hybrid operations and components, the module references the DC to DC converter several times, occasionally calling it an inverter. The inverter performs DC to AC functions, and vice versa, but the CONVERTER performs DC to DC functions. Unfortunately, with the terms converter and inverter both being used to describe the same component, a few students have brought in to my attention in confusion. They understand that the converter can be built into the inverter module, but require that separation of terms for clearer instruction. Thank you.
Status: Implemented